A world of coffee... Finnished on the Palouse
Hello and welcome to Red Finn Coffee! My name is Otto Keyes and I am serious about coffee roasting. My base of operations is centered in Moscow, ID; starting a few years ago with a popcorn popper, moving to a converted chicken rotisserie, banished from the house for the smoke, I now have a top-of-the line roaster setup and the experience to roast some exquisite bean blends for you, your family, and friends to enjoy!
We don't do weak! We're Finns!
Anybody who streaks through the snow from the sauna, wrapped only in a self-induced fog, to jump through a hole in the ice, needs good, strong coffee to survive.
It all began in a farmhouse in Long Valley, high in the mountains of Idaho, sitting around the kitchen table with my cousins, sipping strong black coffee which Grampa Otto had poured into the china saucer to cool.
It didn't matter that I could just barely see over the edge of the table, or that it was really half milk, or that the sugar cube I popped in my mouth to strain the coffee through as I drank made it more of a sweet, Finnish Latte. We grandkids were real Finns! I was the Red-headed Finnlander. Grampa said it would grow hair on our chests. Mom said it would stunt my growth.
They were both right. I had plans to be a star NBA center, but at 6' 4" (and no talent), was about a foot short. And, truth be told, without the milk & sugar, that coffee probably would have grown hair on most anything!
Fortunately, over the years the palate has become more attuned, and now coffee roasting has turned from hobby to business. My various roasts are now enjoyed by people all over the Palouse (sometimes around the world). I also serve Red Finn Coffee at my Bed & Breakfast, the Wylie Lauder House, every morning!